To access resources, virtual monthly classes and engage in the community. You will find the support that you need to grow your service and attract Yogi patients. Meet other like-minded dental professionals and benefit from a supportive group.
Your membership allows you to place the Yoga Dentistry Association on your website and use across all marketing channels.
Members have the ability to connect online and offline at industry events.
Virtual yoga classes are help the 18th of every month @ 6 PM PST.
Read all the latest information for Yogis from experts in the industry.
Showcase your membership and attract like-minded new patients.
We provide promotional material to increase your Yogi patient base. This includes "best practices" on how to promote your membership.
Our soon to be launched member directly will also provide a link back to your website, which is help for Search Engine Optimization.
We have some exciting changes ahead and are working with partners to bring you many more exciting benefits.